Everman and the Pole Dancers was produced in collaboration with Auto DeFe, Shinjuku Ryozanpaku and The Thursday Group in 2014. With Lech Mackiewicz directing in both cities, in Melbourne, Denda Keina and Shimamoto Kazuto worked with the Melbourne cast and in Tokyo, Kathleen Doyle and Matthew Crosby worked with the Japanese cast.
Everyman and the Pole Dancers was made possible with the generous support of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia Council, Playking, Bunka Cho and the Australia-Japan Foundation. It performed in Melbourne at Metanoia Theatre and Tokyo at Shinjuku Ryozanpaku Montenboshi.

Shimamoto Kazuto, Someno Hirotaka , Daiki Shin, Miura Shinko, Kathleen Doyle, Denda Keina. Photo Osuga Hiroshi
EVERYMAN & THE POLE DANCERS – an Absurd Apocalyptic Comedy in 4 Quarters. Three generations of one Family are trying to settle their earthly matters before the imminent end. Everyman guides them (and us) through the final stages of their existence and helps them to say their Goodbyes with dignity - to say their Goodbyes before the curtains are drawn on the old world they knew. Grandfather and Grandmother rebel against their coming retirement accommodation causing their grandchildren and children to pull off all the possible tricks in order to force them back into the aged care facility, so the rest of the family could fully benefit from the Grandparents’ pension. In the process they all perform their “solo pieces” remembering the best and the worst days of their lives… and they dance, as only dancing can save them from the deadly stress of facing the end of the world, which they are so keen to witness.

Matthew Crosby, Miura Shinko

Ko Hiroshima | Shimamoto Kazuto | Someno Hirotaka | Tadano Noriko | Miura Shinko | Matthew Crosby | Daiki Shin | Kathleen Doyle | Lech Mackiewicz | Denda Keina | Izumi Tsuguo |

Photos—Osuga Hiroshi