
Pscyhophyscial theatre… practice development and collective creation

Falling Heads

Image:  Alex Clouston, Jack Kirby Crosby, Wenmiao Xin

Currently, the group is collaborating with Danish artists Andrea Albernaz and Iza Mortag Freund (Isla Collective) on a new performance directed by Matthew Crosby. Falling Heads explores the notion of splitting—sibling from sibling, people from people, mind from body. It arises from Akutagawa Ryunosuke's 1917 The Story of a Head That Fell Off. Performing October/November 2025, Falling Heads uses Thursday Group psychophysical theatre practice techniques to produce a Brecht-inflected performance of acute relevance in today's existential world conflicts. 

Angelique Zhou and Damon Branecki, Work in Progress showing, August 2024

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Training and improvisation, workshop intensives, open rehearsals and performance-making.
Come join us. 
Come join us each Monday evening, 6-9pm in The Thursday Group studios in North Melbourne
Synthesis of Suzuki Actor, Jerzi Grotowski and Thursday Group variations training. Sharpen your skills, discover energetic performance modes, come join the conversation! 🌞
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